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Sarah Edmonds

Bereavement, Grief and Loss Specialist Art Psychotherapist

Sarah Edmonds

Thank you for joining me here - my name is Sarah, and I am a qualified Art Psychotherapist who specialises with working with bereavement, grief and loss - it’s painful, unexpected and complicatedness is very welcome in my practice.

t: 07957 775018 | w:

I can help you with:

Your grieving journey - wherever you may be with it today - I aim to put you at complete ease from the very beginning of our interactions together.

The intricate and exclusiveness of each individual grieving process is as unique as a fingerprint and through my endeavours, I strive to provide a safe, gentle and nourishing space for all forms of loss to be deeply acknowledged, held and grown around.

Although I specialise in working with adults who were bereaved as a child and with children who are bereaved of a parent, I have a wealth of experience in working with many types of bereavement, grief and loss. I am especially skilled in working with complex and complicated grieving processes; when people have been bereaved by a suicide, murder or another traumatic experience.

My therapeutic approach is profoundly relational. No two people are the same so no one way of working will suit everyone. Being mindful and sensitive to this, is very important to me and to my practice.

I believe that we are all curated by the environments and experiences that we have been exposed to and these factors imprint our life’s ongoing narrative. At any age, revisiting these experiences can be an enlightening way to facilitate self-reflection and personal awareness. By working psychodynamically, unconscious material can be expressed non-verbally, through the artwork. This can then be viewed together through the triangular relationship that is Art Therapy - the connection and shared viewing of the art, between the client and their therapist.

Being ‘good at art’, is in no way a requirement for choosing Art Therapy. A willingness to engage with the materials and an openness and curiosity to witness what unfolds, are important aspects of the therapeutic journey. The process of creating the artworks are often much more insightful than the finished pieces as they can be used as a window into the client’s subconscious state of being, as a reflection of their inner world.

Working with art materials is often most useful when words may fail.

I practice from a number of locations; I maintain a private and comfortable art studio in High Barnet, North West London, I offer sessions in Marylebone from a beautiful therapy space, and I practice Environmental Art Therapy in a magnificent woodland environment, on the borders of Hertfordshire and London. I can also offer support online, though Zoom. If you are seeking support on behalf of a child or young person, then please note, I will only see them at their school.

In the first instance I offer a thirty-minute free of charge ‘Discovery Call’ to serve as a space for you to meet with me, to learn a little more about art therapy and my approach, and for you to briefly outline the reasons that you are seeking support. It’s also a space to share your hopes for therapy. Although it will only be a short call, there will also be time for you to ask me any questions that you may have.

I really understand the deep pain that can be involved in a grieving journey and by working with professionalism, integrity and humility, combined with a genuine curiosity, I aim to engender both healing and hope.

Please do visit my website for further information about my practice and my approach in delicately enabling a space for the tender shoots of healing, to be held.

I very much look forward to hearing from you.

My qualifications include:

  • MA Art Therapy

  • MA Fine Art and Contemporary Practice

  • PGCE Art and Design

  • BA Fine Art

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